Shinsetsu Bobobo V01C05
8:27 pm
Shinsetsu 5: In an Unlicked Life, Lick This!
DDL (Our server)
Enjoy and be sure to appreciate us by commenting/liking/sharing this post !
We need staff!
Welcome to the new site!
3:22 am
As all of you know I updated from the Wordpress to the Blogger interface. And moreover I added a chatango box added all the chapter downloads, added description for every Project with picture. All of them is waiting for you to explore. =)
P.S. I still am recruiting persons for my blog.
Doraemon 104 Released
5:57 am
Posted by MichJ99
Doraemon 104 Released
This was a quickey!
All by me..
Doraemon 103 Released!
7:20 am
Posted by MichJ99
Doraemon 103 Released! Sorry for the long delay, due to lack of translations
All by me.
Return Of Shin Chan
9:58 am
We're planning to resume this manga ASAP from Volume 12.. I'll do the translating so it will be very slow... Any japanese persons outta there who can help me translate this off?
Edit: I'm just gonna do a page a day until a translator comes.. For today:
Doraemon Helpers needed
10:02 am
We need helpers for Doraemon URGENTLY:
Translators, Cleaners, Typesetters...
Please apply for this even if you aren't an ace.
Don't worry if you can't pay for Photoshop, I'll let you know how to get it free. (portable)
Please.. Unless you'll see our group CRASHING DOWN.
Kinnikuman End and Good Bye
12:10 am
Posted by MichJ99
Well here it is the end of kinnikuman it was a tiring experience but its finally here the last 20 chapters of kinnikuman scramble for the throne and quite an ending it is. Congradulations are in order first for all those who have scanned kinnikuman in the past for making it possible to make it this far. Next up is the people here at shonen jump 0998 first would be sakura for letting me even do and be in charge of this series, Then there is there is rodry a man who was great enough to typeset and clean vol 36 the end all on his own, next comes Biggums my good friend and partner so to say who cleaned vol 35 (we work together at FKMTkrazy go check it out) then comes smokey a really good freind of mine who typeset vol 35 what a trooper never once complained about giving him so much work out of nowhere. Then there me I guess Kaiji-kun (now kazuhiko) just that one guy who has his hands in a ton of scaning as of late and likes kinnikuman. With that said I hate to say this but this is going to be my last post on shonen jump 0998 my job is done here with kinnikuman being done but you can still see things I have worked on at FKMT and Houkto no gun as well as happy scans. Finishing this was a challenge becuase if you have seen my work at FKMT. Kind of the reason my whole job on the last 2 vols was just QC still there is another vol but its an extra vol if you know were to get it and a translator that would be nice becuase without that it leaves kinnikuman incomplete. Thats enough out of me Enjoy The End of Kinnikuman!!!!
The last of 34
Next up the whole vol 35
Fianlly The END VOL 36!!!
Kinnikuman 368 and 367 fix
4:41 am
Posted by MichJ99
well here is another one I know I planned on having more this week but life has become hecktic but still planing on doing my mega realease by the end of month so that should hopefully not change
Edit: found out that 367 had a page in the wrong place some how but I fixed the problem below is the fixed 367 the old link won't work anymore use this one
Doraemon 102 Released!
3:12 am
Posted by MichJ99
Translator: CHIN.BIMBO
Editor: Pittiraghu
102 released! Enjoy ~ this is our 50th release!
Shintetsu Bobobo no bobobo Chapter 2 Released
1:17 am
Posted by MichJ99
Shintetsu Bobobo no bobobo Chapter 2 Released!
Kinnikuman 367
1:06 am
Posted by MichJ99
Well another Kinnikuman Chapter Bites the dust and marking that there are only 19 chapters till the END!!
Twitter group started
5:20 am
Twitter group started at #shonenjump0998
It has all the releases and active form of comunication
I guess, now open your twitter account and go there
anyway you can see twitter icon in the background :D
Kinnikuman 366
7:13 pm
Well I am back with a vengence and also a new chapter here is 366 and what a chapter it is with the battle between Mammothman and Robin Mask and a Pigeon? well just see for you self in Kinnikuman 366.
My Status Kaiji
3:21 am
well people its Kaiji just wanted to inform people why no chapter the past 2 days I got my internet cut yesterday a bad snow storm hit were I live and lets say powered out my neighborhood and am doing this post from my grandmothers house but I jsut want to tell you guys I will be back up tommorow hopefully and with a new kinnikuman and I now plan to release vol 35 and 36 as a double release so it can be read as one awesome final battle and I plan to have 34 done by monday and the last to hopefully by the end of the month but at this point unless the weather gets better no kinnikuman. I know its nearing its end and it must be hard to wait but it will get done and once its done i will probbly leave unless someone comes forth to translate Hen Tag. your probbly all wondering why not Nisei well its licsened and I don't want to attempt a liscensed series when it is avalibale compeltely in English so please suporrot the official release.
Bobobo no bobobo News
12:21 am
Posted by MichJ99
For all of those who were wondering why I jumped over to Shintetsu instead of doing the original one, I had found a legitimate reason why the before scanlation group stopped it and we also were refusing to do it. Any Guesses? :P
WTF??? . It WAS and IS Licensed.
Kinnikuman 365
1:18 am
Posted by MichJ99
All right come and get a new Kinnikuman just as I promised just going to kept this going as much as I can. also I might release vol releases of 35 and 36 after 34 do you guys want me to do daily or vol its your guys called I want to hear you respones just comment below.
Kinnikuman 364
2:28 am
well heres another kinnikuman and just like I promised they will be coming daily till vol 34 is done then I will be on break for a week then be back repeating the same pattern also found out vol36 is the last vol for kinnikumans original story line and 37 is an extra the was released years later as a gaiden so to speak and its not translted so once 36 is done kinnikuman is done the gaiden isn't important but we still like to see it so if you can translated please come forward.
Kinnikuman 363 and Start of Vol 34
6:48 pm
Posted by MichJ99
Well here is another chapter of kinnikuman took longer then I wanted to but I am going to do a daily chapter till vol 34 is done. I plan on alternating every other week a vol till its done with the exception of vol 37 which I hopefully can have released in one mega realease. Still shouldn't keep you guys from any kinnikuman goodness any further
Kinnikuman 362 and End of Vol 33!!!!
5:13 am
Well Hodwy Partners its Kaiji Again with another serving of Kinnikuman and boy I feel like I am spoiling you guys with all the kinnikuman I have been realsing lately but the fun doens't stop now I plan on a whole lot more this week so be on the look out for more kinnikuman as I start off a whole new vol hopefully by Tommorw but until thing I how this chater feeds your guys appitite for Kinnikuman for the time being
Edit: I just noticed that the link wasn't there I am so sorry guys
shinsetsu bobobo-bo bo-bobo chapter 1 released
1:30 pm
Posted by MichJ99
Chapter 1 released today itself, lol. Extra motivation. Anyway enjoy.
Translation: Strangerataru
Editing: Pittiraghu
EDIT: Page 32 had major errors in it which required me to re typeset that single page.. o.o so I'll upload it here..
Kinnikuman 361 and A Happy New Year!!!
6:57 am
Posted by MichJ99
Hey Guys its Kaiji again and with a brand new Kinnikuman to boot. Let me tell you guys never be bored at 3 in the moring makes you do crazy things such as typeset a new chapter of Kinnikuman. Bad for me but good for you. This chapter how you say had a little more guy love then I would ever want to see in kinnikuman but thats for you to judge. still heres is 361 have a super fun time ya!!! with it. while I am going to catch some ZZZZ's there an elucsive creature for an insomniac like me.
Edit: well its come to my attention that I messed up on 361 by saving it as psd instead of png as I stated before never typeset under the influence of sleep depravation so I quickly fixed my mistake and here is the fixed version here
News: Shin Bobobo no bobo
6:19 am
Posted by MichJ99
EDIT: Mostly the chapter will be released on 2ND JAN. 0 MORE PAGES TO GO, YEEEAA ALREADY RELEASED! SEE ABOVE!
Shinsetsu bobobo: we're going to take up this project. Maybe chapter 1 IS ALREADY released. Thanks for stranger for translating the whole volume and Asahi for all the 7 RAWs. All thanks to Asahi as without her help this project would be impossible due to unavailability of raws. Anyway, the RAWs look clean and healthy. And we need 2-3 typesetters for this project too. The first chapter is really long and will be the longest ever chapter our group would do. ( 35 pages )
So let's hope for the best. I have a proof below -
My work pace on Shintetsu Ch.1